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2-1-1 COUNTS
Use 2-1-1 Counts, to find a snapshot of community-specific needs that have been received by 2-1-1 displayed by school district or ZIP code from as recently as yesterday. 2-1-1 Counts enables you to easily check trends, make comparisons and share information about Allen County 2-1-1
Search for Services
To find resources serving residents of Allen, Auglaize, Hardin, and Van Wert Counties in Ohio, enter information about the person needing the service and select a service category below.
These fields are optional, but provide better search results
*Location is optional, but provides better search results.
Helpful Search Hints
Guided Search
Search using Guided Search when you are uncertain of the service term. Services are grouped by categories to assist you in finding the particular service need. Click the
to see a definition of the service terms you find.
Service Keyword
Search using Service Keyword when you know one of the words in a service term. For example, searching with the words rent will help you find the service term rent payment assistance.
Agency/Program Name
Search using Agency/Program Name when you know one of the words in a service provider name or program name. For example, search with the words red and cross to find American Red Cross locations and see what services are offered.
Not finding what you want?
You may view a list of all services (here) and view definitions of the services by clicking the
beside each term.
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